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JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075



Familiar Faces

It's a fact: This ministry would simply not have persevered over a quarter century to become what it is today without the dedication, prayer, effort, and determination of a lot of people. Here I will introduce you to some of the people that make the Overflowing Cup such a special place in the lives of a lot of people. At the request of Pastor Dave, I will also include a special tribute to Pat.

DAVE FOGDERUD, Founding Pastor

In the Old Testament of the Bible, King David is said to be a man after God's own heart. In the 21st century, David Fogderud lets his light shine before us all as a modern day example of a man after God's own heart. Dave is truly unlike any other person I have ever met. He is an inspiration of God's love to all that know him. Not too long ago, I was on the phone with Dave. He was trying to reach someone on a third line of his phone, and I was privy to that conversation. He dialed, but reached a wrong number. However he spread the love of Christ to the woman who answered. She herself was a Christian, but was having a bad day. With only a few words, Dave totally brightened her day. He's funny that way.

Dave accepted Christ as his personal savior at the young age of 14. At the time, he was growing up in a Christian family on a farm near Hannaford, North Dakota. He attended Trinity College in Chicago after High School and later attended the College of Automation in Des Moines, Iowa for training in the field of Data Processing. He spent many years in the field of Data Processing involving areas of management, computer programming, and systems analysis and later as a computer consultant. After 10 years, his first marriage ended in divorce. Seeing his own children growing up in a broken home, Dave felt called to open a Christian Coffeehouse reaching out to the young people of our society. That vision was fulfilled with the opening of The Overflowing Cup on April 19, 1974.

On June 23, 1974, Dave married Pat Hendrickson who earlier helped to found the ministry of The Overflowing Cup. Their wedding was held at the coffeehouse, with Glenn Kaiser and Don Sanford conducting the ceremony. Dave and Pat led many to the Lord after opening The Overflowing Cup Coffeehouse Ministry in 1974. They operated The Harbor for the Homeless as part of The Overflowing Cup. This outreach to the less fortunate in our community was founded in 1984. In 1985, Dave and Pat expanded the scope of the ministry to include Sunday worship services and operated as a church in addition to the coffeehouse and homeless shelter ministry. All the while, Dave was maintaining full-time work as a Computer Consultant, until in 1987 when Pat was first diagnosed with Stage II Cervical Cancer. Dave then went full-time in the ministry to help lessen the load for Pat. It was truly a "Journey of Faith and Obedience" as Pat experienced divine healing in the fall of 1987. Pat was faithful to the Lord and grateful for her healing, never missing a chance to give testimony and glory to God. She then experienced more than ten years of quality life until a cancerous tumor was discovered wrapped around her sciatic nerve in January of 1998. The tumor caused much pain and an attempt at surgery was unsuccessful. After nearly 25 years of marriage, Pat went to be with the Lord on December 26, 1998.

Dave was progressing through the grief process when musician friends introduced him to a single Christian woman from Davenport, Iowa, in September of 1999. This proved to be a "divine appointment" and Dave married Diana Hinrichs on October 23, 1999. Dave and his new wife Diana continue to serve the Lord in the ministry.



Mark Archambault, Executive Director & Associate Pastor

Mark was ordained through the Overflowing Cup in 2000 while servicn as Worship Pastor. He has now returned to Beloit to serve the Overflowing Cup as Executive Director and Associate Pastor. His experience includes a background through the military, civilian and church world in music, photography, publishing, video production and graphic arts. As executive director, he oversees the day to day operations of the Cup as well as planning and vision for future goals.


Diana Fogderud, Associate Pastor


Kathy Jo Taylor, Associate Pastor & Secretary/Treasurer

Since joining the staff of the Overflowing Cup in 1996, Kathy has served in a number of different positions. Soon after joining the staff, she was appointed to the board of directors of the ministry. When Pat's health prevented her from continuing to serve on the board, Kathy was elected to the position of corporate secretary / treasurer, a position which she still holds today. She has also served as house manager for both the men's and women's transitional housing, taught addiction recovery and was the director of Frontline Yourh Initiative for 16 years.


Dave Rounds, Executive Vice President

David has been a familiar face around the cup since the summer of 1974, yes, almost as long as our founder, Pastor Dave. David joined our staff in the fall of 1975 and was was asked to serve on the board of directors in the early 1980s. When our previous vice president, Dean, resigned, David was promoted to Vice President. Over the years his position has evolved to not only the Vice President position on the board but to the position of Director of Technology for the entire ministry. In this position, he not only maintains the computers, A/V and associated equipment for the ministry but also maintains our web sites, http://www.OverflowingCup.org and http://www.overflowingcup.info, and the associated internet servers.


Pastor Rick Hobson (Kingdom Voice)


Pastor Larry Stultz - Renewal (Recovery) Ministry

Pastor Larry is living his second life to the fullest! His first life began August 29, 1945 in Madison Wisconsin, the only son of Elizabeth Catherine and Robert David Stultz. His father, who grew up on the edge of the Dakota Badlands influenced his interest and affection for all things “Western” and included the extra roles in several 1960s era “Horse Opera” films. His mother was as Irish as “Paddy’s Pig” and her Irish legacy is reflected in Larry earning an advanced degree from one of Ireland’s top rated divinity colleges. Pastor Larry’s first career was as a P.G.A. Professional where he earned credentials in 1964, and again in 1984. He earned additional money in the worlds of auto racing, film and construction, even in a side trip to a speakers bureau. Fully retired from sports in 2010 he attended a divinity school on the campus of UCLA, was ordained and returned to the Midwest as Associate Pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church in Beloit Wisconsin and received additional training in that denomination. Although still ministering to members of the Bethel congregation, the focus of Larry’s second life is on the leadership of RENEWAL, a substance abuse recovery program sponsored by The Overflowing Cup ministry of Beloit. RENEWAL begins its seventh year in 2022, teaching faith based Christian techniques for recovery from alcoholism and addiction!


Micquette Archambault, Recovery Ministry

Micquette and her husband Mark have been actively involved in ministry to the homeless and those struggling with addiction both in her home state of Arizona and here in the stateline area.


Robert "Bob" Watson - Sound Engineer

Sherlock Holmes had a loyal sidekick named Watson to help him solve the myriad mysteries of criminal behavior. The Overflowing Cup has a Watson to solve the mysteries and complications presented by 50 different musical artists in concert each year! Most of the audience for each of the “Cup” weekly concerts do not realize that it’s the work of a single person who sets up the microphones, sound checks the speakers, manages our internet broadcasts 50+ weeks and a 2 day weekend each year.
Meet our Watson! Bob Watson came to the Cup after a career driving truck and doing multiple tasks in the used car field. Our 80 year old audio master learned hands on, on the job, how to make each of the Cup’s performers sound their best, both in person and over the internet. Our Watson has been the exception to the notion that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks for 2 decades, and is an irreplaceable part of the Cup’s concerts!
Bob is a generous man and never has been heard to say a bad word about anyone. He always says at the end of an evening of ministry: “”You have a blessed night. God Bless You.


The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center
1175 Madison Road
PO Box 1075
Beloit, WI 53512-1075
Phone: (608) 365-0365

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"

Views: 1590     Page updated: January 31 2024 12:55:05 PM