JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  May 2023  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}
Page updated: June 13 2023 09:59:22 AM

May 06, 2023  –  Live at the Cup – Testimonies with Mike Tearman
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 07, 2023  –  Sunday Evening Prayer, Praise & Worship Service
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 13, 2023  –  Live at the Cup – T.B.A.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 14, 2023  –  Sunday Evening Prayer, Praise & Worship Service with Apostle J Bopp & Pastor Rick Hobson
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 20, 2023  –  Live at the Cup – Eric Graff & Mark Archambault
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 21, 2023  –  Sunday Evening Prayer, Praise & Worship Service
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 27, 2023  –  Live at the Cup – Tom Mathey
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

May 28, 2023  –  Sunday Evening Prayer, Praise & Worship Service
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"