JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  December 2020  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

December 05, 2020  –  Nicole Kelley will be bringing the music and sharing her testimony.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.;

December 06, 2020  –  Sunday Evening Service Nicole Kelley will be bringing the music and sharing her testimony.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

December 12, 2020  –  Enter in Concert Enter returns to The Cup with Holiday selections.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

December 13, 2020  –  Sunday Worship Service Music by Dave & Diana Fogderud. Pastor Dave is delivering a message on II Timothy 1:7,
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.;

December 19, 2020  –  Ace & Jim's Holiday Concert
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.;

December 20, 2020  –  Sunday Worship Service Music By Dave Lawrence. Pastor Dave Fogderud will be speaking on how Jesus was "Born To Die."
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.;

December 26, 2020  –  Closed so that you can celebrate Christmas with your family and friends.

December 27, 2020  –  Closed so that you can celebrate Christmas with your family and friends.

December 31, 2020  –  New Years Celebration and Worship PLEASE JOIN US for NEW YEAR'S EVE with lots of food, music, fellowship and ministry. Help us to bring in the New Year with Communion and Prayer. Pastor Rick Hobson will be sharing a fantastic musical concert with his band. Pastor Dave Fogderud will be sharing throughout the evening as well as others with a time of testimonies and looking back of how God has brought us through 2020 while looking ahead to 2021.
Connect with them on Facebook at:
Check out their website:
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.;

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"