JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  October 2020  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

October 03, 2020  –  Centrifical Force –  Centrifical Fource returns to The Cup with their original and cover music.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 04, 2020  –  Sunday Evening Service –  Sunday evening service with Pastor Diana Fogderud speaking.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 10, 2020  –  Nicole Kelly –  Nicole returns to The Cup with her original and cover music.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 11, 2020  –  Sunday Evening Service –  "Enter Worship Band" will be bringing the music and the message.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 17, 2020  –  Jim Seekamp – from South Beloit. Jim returns to minister in music this evening.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 18, 2020 –  David Lawrence will be bringing the music and Larry Stultz will be bringing the message.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 24, 2020  –  Eric Graff and Sacred Agent Band
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 25, 2020  –  Healing Explosion –  Larry and Kim Six and Jim and Marlene Dawson return to The Cup. <br>Larry and Jim will share some music and Larry will share from God's word.
Ministry team cancelled.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

October 31, 2020  –  Tom Mathey From Rockton, IL – Tom is a gifted singer/songwriter and a friend of this ministry for many years. His style is folk and ballads. His music is conducive to praise and worship and always glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.
You can watch the recorded Live-Stream video from the Overflowing Cup Facebook page.

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"