JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse A Christian Coffee House Ministry 1175 Madison Road Beloit, WI 53512-1075 Phone:(608)-365-0365 |
Concert Calendar
*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***
Month Day, Year – Group Name from City, State. – Description of the group. Check out their Web Site: Month Day, Year – Group Name from City, State. – Description of the group. Connect with them on Facebook at: Month Day, Year – Group Name from City, State. – Description of the group. Check out their Web Site: August 26, 2017 – Jim Simmons from Beloit, Wi. – Jim Simmons is the Clinic Director for The Anatowind Music Clinic in Beloit Wisconsin. He is also the proud son of Joseph and Dorothea Simmons, Founders of the clinic, who have since gone on to be the Lord and lived into their nineties. The Anatowind Music Clinic is celebrating it's 60th anniversary and was founded in 1957. It is truly a joy and privilege to have James Simmons at The Overflowing Cup please do not miss this unusual but special opportunity to hear "Jim Simmons, his Bible and his Trumpet." Connect with them on Facebook at: August 27, 2017 – Healing Explosion With Larry And Kim Six from Winneconne Wisconsin. – Larry and Kim Six are from Winneconne Wisconsin. They have ministered in the area of healing for more than 33 years. They are ordained through the Joan, Charles and Frances Hunter Ministries of Tombow, Texas. Kim six has done overseas missionary work with Heidi Baker of IRIS Ministries in Mozambique, East Africa as well as with Randy Clark in Brazil and England. Please bring anyone and everyone who may need prayer for healing in their physical bodies and/or their emotional well-being. Jim & Marlene Dawson will also be with us as part of the healing team. Check out their Web Site: