JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  April 1986  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

April 05, 1986  –  Backporch Majority From Bensonville, IL – Country Gospel group of 5 young men who intend to lift your spirits and give you a blessing with a handclapping beat to it. The group has previously appeared on the "Country Gospel Show" with Jimmy Snow at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN and at Herutage USA.

April 12, 1986  –  Jim Robinson From Pecatonica, IL – Jim plays the guitar and sings original songs. His style is mello rock and folk.

April 19, 1986  –  Twelfth Anniversary Celebration of the Overflowing Cup From Beloit WI – There will be music and testimony as well as an "Ordination Service". Dave Fogderud and Cliff White will be officially ordained as Ministers of the Gospel and Pastors of The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center. There will be many special guests including several local area pastors. Don't miss this very special occasion. Everyone is invited. Come hear about what the Lord is doing in the ministry!

April 26, 1986  –  Heartdance From Madison WI – This group consists of Nancy Grouenevld and Karen England. Nancy previously toured Europe with Silverwind and has played keyboards on tour with the Lowell Lundstrom Team. Their style is up-beat, contemporary and worship. Don't miss it.

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"