JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  October 1977  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

October 01, 1977  –  John Reints From Orfordville, WI – He will be singing songs from he brand new album in his own "Johnny Cash" style

October 07, 1977  –  Gil Semans – Teaching and Fellowship – Gil will begin teaching a series on "Introduction to the Word of God"

October 08, 1977  –  Song of Judah From Peoria Illinois area – This group has never been to the Cup before. You'll love their style. It's like Love Song

October 14, 1977  –  Gil Semans – Teaching and Fellowship – Gil will continue teaching a series on "Introduction to the Word of God"

October 15, 1977  –  Movie: Just Last Summer – A movie about a love story filled with conflicts.

October 21, 1977  –  Gil Semans – Teaching and Fellowship – Gil will continue teaching a series on "Introduction to the Word of God"

October 22, 1977  –  New Wine From Bothany, Alabama – First time at the Cup, 5 guys and a gal with a message and exciting style.

October 28, 1977  –  Gil Semans – Teaching and Fellowship – Gil will continue teaching a series on "Introduction to the Word of God". Gil searched thru all the philosophies for answers and found out Jesus had them!

October 29, 1977  –  The Revelators From DeKalb, Il – It's been a year since they were here and are we gonna have a good time.

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"