JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075


Concert Calendar

*** All concerts start at 7 pm and are held at 1175 Madison Road (Beloit)
UNLESS otherwise noted ***

-------  April 1977  -------
{click date above to display printable monthly calendar}

April 01, 1977  –  At 8:00 the evenings start with special song.

April 02, 1977  –  DAILY BREAD BAND A lively folk, fold-rock, contemporary group. Bring a friend!

April 08, 1977  –  At 8:00 the evenings start with special & ministry every Friday night. We have larger groups from out of town, usually on Saturday, but sometimes we have out-of-town groups on Friday. So keep watching & remember there is always something!!!!!!!

April 09, 1977  –  JOHN MICHAEL TALBOT You should be here at 7:30 pm for a seat.

April 15, 1977  –  At 8:00 pm in the evenings start with a special song & ministry every Friday night. We have the larger groups from out of town usually on Saturday, but sometimes we have out-of-town groups on Friday. So, keep watching & remember there is always something happening!!!!!!!

April 16, 1977  –  FORD FAMILY A husband, wife & their 2 children. This family has ministered in the past with Bob Harrington.

April 22, 1977  –  AT 8:00 pm in the evenings start with special song & ministry every Friday night. We have the larger groups from out of town usually on Saturday, but sometimes we have out-of-town groups on Friday. So keep watching & remember, there is always something happening!!!!!!!

April 29, 1977  –  AT 8:00 pm the evenings start with special song & ministry every Friday night. We have larger groups from out-of-town usually on Saturday, but sometimes we have out-of-town groups on Friday. So keep watching & remember there is always something happening!!!!!!!

April 30, 1977  –  OPEN NIGHT If you would like to share a talent the Lord has given you, be free to share tonight.

For information on additional events please check our Facebook event calendar at

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"