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JOSIAH'S PLACE Coffeehouse

A Christian Coffee House Ministry

1175 Madison Road

Beloit, WI 53512-1075




Here are some links to websites of various ministries that we find special and would like to share with you.


Mark Archambault thinks Arizonans ought to know their rights. So the Tucson construction worker is planning to turn celebrity and a bit of radio and television time into a civics class.  In addition to construction, Mark is Pastor of The Overflowing Cup Church of Tucson, Arizona.

The Bill of Rights PSA Project

The Bill of Rights PSA Project is dedicated to promoting a national dialog about, and celebration of, the United States Constitution Bill of Rights through:

- Public Service Announcements featuring well known Americans
- Publicity generated by the PSA campaign
- TheseAreYourRights.org web site containing our nations founding documents

Institute for Christian Apologetics/Mount Carmel Outreach  - A Fascinating ministry founded by the inimitible Kevin Johnson. Apologetics is the art and science of defending the Christian faith using solid historical evidences and logic.  Kevin went to be with the Lord on Wednesday May 29, 2013.
Rockford Rescue Mission  - Learn about this wonderful outreach to the homeless and those down on their luck in Rockford, IL
Creation Science Ministry  - Kent Hovind's entertaining, and fascinating ministry blending science with the Bible.
Liveprayer.com  - A tremendously beneficial ministry by Bill Keller. Sign up for your free daily devional e-mail.
World Vision  - Dedicated to serving the children and reaching others in the name of Christ.
Voice of the Martyrs  - How many of you are aware that Christian persecution did not die with the fall of the Roman Empire? Christians in other countries today are being tortured and killed for the only reason that they choose Jesus above communism, Islam, or any other fascist regimes. Click here to learn of the ministry of the Voice of the Martyrs and sign up for their free newsletter.
Discipleship Journal  - I've often said that if I had to choose only one magazine that I could subscribe to for the rest of my life, I'd choose Discipleship Journal. This magazine is an absolutely essential guide to my journey with Christ. The website contains a treasure chest of their older articles.
Living Word International  - LWI  seeks to minister to ministers, providing encouragement and LOVE. A listening ear and a caring heart as well as years of pastoral experience, provide opportunities for pastors to share their hearts and problems with those who can help without being in any way judgmental or critical, but compassionate and helpful.  Living Word has many powerful, prophetic ministers of the WORD in the Association.   Living Word conducts conferences at home and abroad that are designed to lift and encourage as well as minister to the situations ministers deal with everyday. A major objective is to build life-giving relationships with ministers who know the problems and can lend a helping hand and encouragement long after the conference is over.

The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center
1175 Madison Road
PO Box 1075
Beloit, WI 53512-1075
Phone: (608) 365-0365

"What the World Needs is Jesus!"

Views: 4351    Page updated: January 31 2024 12:40:05 PM