Mission Statement
"The OVERFLOWING CUP exists to reach hearts and impact lives within our community with the love of Christ by providing opportunities for healing, salvation and spiritual growth in a place where God's presence is tangibly felt. By giving direct aid where possible, we bridge the gap between social services and local churches."
Coffeehouse and Street Ministry
The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center is located at 1175 Madison Road in Beloit, WI. The coffeehouse is the oldest and longest running Christian coffeehouse in North America. Our Saturday evening concerts draw bands from all over the nation and visitors from all over the world. Recently artists have traveled from as far as Tucson, Pittsburgh, Kentucky and Minneapolis, as well as local acts. Some of the well known artists hosted on our stage are: Randy Stonehill, John Schlitt of Petra/Head East, Glenn Kaiser and the Resurrection Band and John Micheal Talbut. Recently Kathy Taylor launched a series of storytelling events branded If You Only Knew".
You can find something happening several times a week, from addiction recovery, community meals, music-oriented contemporary worship services, to open mic nights and prayer meetings. Click on the WEEKLY EVENTS link or call (608) 365-0365 for more details.
We Bridge The Gap
All of the programs and events presented are free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome and can benefit from some part of The Cup.
The Overflowing Cup is an interdenominational ministry. People from any and all churches are invited to share the joy and fellowship of the Overflowing Cup without forsaking their primary church. We are not in the business of stealing anyone's sheep. For our Christian brothers and sisters, our goal is to provide events and programs that are more positive and fulfilling than the world can provide.
And if you DON'T belong to a church...if you don't know who this Jesus person is, and wonder why we make such a fuss about Him...then YOU are our guest of honor. We invite and highly encourage YOU to check out what we have to offer at The Cup.
The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center invites you to be a part by praying and giving so that you can truly "Help Us To Help Others" by reaching out to the youth, families and those in need, whether physical, spiritual or emotional. Our all volunteer staff works hard to bridge the gap between social service agencies and local churches. All donations are tax-deductible and much appreciated. And even if you cannot help financially, we ask for you to keep us in your prayers.
The best way you can help is to tell others about the Cup. If you are interested in what you see on this website, we invite you to check it out in person. Spread the word at your house, workplace, church, youth group, Christian bookstore...hey, even your local bar. As we said, EVERYONE is welcome.
The coffeehouse is a gathering place for the young at heart. But while the Saturday night concerts are one of the more popular events at the coffeehouse, you can find something happening almost every night, from incredible Bible Studies and music-oriented contemporary worship services, to open mic nights and prayer meetings. Click on the WEEKLY EVENTS link or call (608) 365-0365 for more details. |
The Cup is an interdenominational ministry. People from any and all churches are invited to share the joy and fellowship of the Overflowing Cup without forsaking their primary church. They are not in the business of stealing anyone's sheep. For our Christian brothers and sisters, our goal is to provide events and programs that are more positive and fulfilling than the world can provide.
And if you DON'T belong to a church...if you don't know who this Jesus person is, and wonder why we make such a fuss about Him...then YOU are our guest of honor. We invite and highly encourage YOU to check out what we have to offer at The Overflowing Cup and JOSIAH'S PLACE.
The Overflowing Cup Total Life Center invites you to be a part by praying and giving so that you can truly "Help Us To Help Others" by reaching out to the young people and those in need, whether physical, spiritual or emotional. All donations are tax-deductible and much appreciated. And even if you cannot help financially, we always ask for you to keep us in your prayers.
But just about the best way you can help is to pass the word on about the Cup. If you are interested in what you see on this website, we invite out to check it out in person. If you have visited JOSIAH'S PLACE and do indeed like what Pastor Dave's ministry offers, we would ask that you do what I did: tell a friend. We really can't afford a big advertising budget, and much of the Cup's popularity is spread by word of mouth. But I encourage you to spread the word among your house, workplace, church, youth group, Christian bookstore...hey, even your local bar. As I said, EVERYONE is welcome. |

Jr Bass drumming with the Hopson Family, (Photo ©2022 by Dave Lawrence) |

Donny watching Cora Vasseurin concert, (Photo ©2022 by Dave Lawrence) |

Diane enjoying the concert, (Photo ©2022 by Dave Lawrence) |

Brianna performing at Rock on the Rock 2021, (Photo ©2022 by Dave Lawrence) |

(Photo ©2022 by Dave Lawrence)